Dancers are storytellers. They’re trained to capture passion with their bodies. The often create a fantasy world or offer us a deeper look into familiar settings. They bring to life what we feel but what most of us, lacking their artistry and athleticism, are unable to express physically. I spent three years shooting dancers around the country, and I was humbled by their enthusiasm for their craft.
– kaže Jordan Matter, autor projekta Dancers among us. Više o ideji i nastanku ovog projekta možete pročitati na samom sajtu (topla preporuka), ja ovde ne bih puno pričala pored ovakvih fotki.
Obožavam ovaj projekat i fotke. Podseća malo na Ballerina Project o kome sam davno pisala, ali i dalje pratim i obožavam. Zapravo, ja obožavam ples. I srce mi svaki put malo zaigra kada gledam ovakve fotke i zažali zašto nikad nisam nastavila sa plesom…
sve fotke preuzete sa
Ovo je genijalno! Sve su odlične, a posebno mi je kul ona u toaletu. ;)
Hihi, da, i meni je ta jedna od fav :)
Prelepe slike,obožavam ples!